Richard Verheyden

What are you waiting for?
Hopefully you are thinking about coming racing with us and the other H750F drivers at the 750 club. Maybe you have looked round the club site, perhaps you have been to a race event or 2 as a spectator, or you have a friend who races… Well you are on the right path to having immense fun in historic racing. Soon it’ll be your first race weekend and then you’ll be hooked.
New to racing
I was in that same position 3 years ago, and today I’m preparing to start my 3rd season with the H750F series in an Austin 7. It’s a fast ride from where you are today, but it’s not so difficult to achieve. With less than 10 track day circuit laps under my belt in a 1960’s road-going

Triumph TR4 I decided it was time to do some ‘proper historic racing.’ With my mechanical background as an Aircraft mechanic I was ready to do all the spanner work myself, so, when a “not to be missed” opportunity came up, I found myself as the rather nervous new owner of an Austin 7 Ulsteroid called Badfrog. Before joining the 750 club I had no previous race experience, no licence, and only a classic road car. I don’t even live in the UK. So if I can do it... so can you!

The ARDS day is ¼ lesson, ¼ test, ¼ fun and as with any qualification, only ¼ useful… It doesn’t really teach you how to drive fast or how to anticipate racing incidents (because you will only be on the track with other beginners) and only a little race craft development is possible in 1 day. Mainly, what it does teach you, is to be predictable and safe for other drivers (and yourself) in a very new environment, which will need 100% of your concentration, and then some!
First race
Let’s be honest here, you will be slow, and you will be lapped, it’s a fact (my current season goal is not to be lapped). To be safe, you need to drive predictably and on the racing line however slow you are. The other drivers know the line, know each other well, and most importantly they know each other’s limits.
Winning races is great (or so they tell me!) but taking part is pretty amazing too.

H750F Formula
The combined knowledge of the drivers and mechanics associated with the H750F crowd is extensive to say the least. The fantastic 750 club history book gives an idea of just how much…think Chapman, Hill, Costin, March etc.. The cars are affordable to buy, to bring up to race standard, and also to repair. The circuits are magical places steeped in the history of motorsport and suit our cars perfectly. The racing is varied, and highly accessible to a beginner. All this gives an overall package which is so tempting that people travel from far and wide to compete. As I mentioned at the beginning of this ramble, I don’t live in the UK, in fact I live in the East of France on the border with Switzerland and Germany. So, I travel an average 1500 miles round trip for a race weekend

A unique experience
These race expeditions are very special to me, providing unique opportunities to meet other like minded people and to share the passion and experience that they bring. I quickly discovered that I have a fellow H750F driver who lives just down the road from me in Switzerland. Juerg drives the #65 Class C Arthur car, and has many years of motorsport experience in other prestigious categories on top of that, so what better traveling companion to have to cross Europe and share a pint with on the ferry, enjoying the discussions of winter re-builds, the excitement of a highly anticipated UK race weekend. My racing friendship with Juerg has enabled me to enjoy some very special driving opportunities, such as a private H750F C-Class test day at a French circuit and a passenger seat ride doing hot laps in a prototype Lotus V6 BTCC style carbon monster with all the trimmings.
So, what are you waiting for? If I can do it, so can you.